Settings to check when VNC fails remote connection to Windows 10

I can't connect to Windows 10 with using VNC.

VNC is a famous remote desktop connection software.
A lot of people use VNC for remote access.

But sometimes we faced some issue.
For example, I used to be able to connect remotely, but now I can no longer connect.

The destination server is running and VNC Server is also running.

So what is the reason of connection failure ?

So today I will explain about "Settings to check when VNC fails remote connection to Windows 10".


Settings to check when VNC fails remote connection to Windows 10

If the settings on the client side are correct, the cause of VNC connection failure is on the server side.

And if the server is physically running and connected to the network, remote connections are blocked by software.

Then, there are two settings to check:

  • Network setting is "private" or not
  • Firewall is on or off

Network setting is "private" or not

Network setting is "private" or not.

In order to check it, you can check following steps.

Open "Network and Internet" settings

First, push Win + I or right click Windows button and click "Setting" to open settings page.

Then choose "Network and Internet".

Open "Network and Internet" settings
Open "Network and Internet" settings
Open properties of network

After Opening "Network and Internet", select "Status" from the menu on the left side.
And click the "Properties" button of the network settings.

Open properties of network
Open properties of network
Check if network setting is "private" or not

Then, on the network profile screen, make sure the network type is set to "Private."

Check if network setting is "private" or not

"Private" means that it's a private internal network, so you can share it and connect remotely.
But "Public" means that it's open to the outside world, so you can't use it for sharing like remote connection.

Firewall is on or off

Another thing to check is whether the firewall is turned off.

A firewall is a setting that strengthens security.
But it also blocks connections that are operated from outside, such as remote connections.
So you need to turn it off.

The confirmation method is as follows.

Open firewall and network protection settings

First, open Windows Security and open the "Firewall and network protection" settings.

Open firewall and network protection settings
Open firewall and network protection settings
Open private network firewall settings

Open the Firewall and Network Protection page, then open the private network firewall settings.

Open private network firewall settings
Open private network firewall settings
Turn off firewall

If the private network firewall setting is on, turn it off.

Turn off firewall
Turn off firewall

Once you turned off firewall, OS requires reboot.
After reboot, you can have remote connection with using VNC.


Today, I introduced about "Settings to check when VNC fails remote connection to Windows 10".

If the settings on the client side are correct and the server side is also running, the cause is the "settings" on the server side.

There are two settings to check:

  • Network setting is "private" or not
  • Firewall is on or off

Sometimes settings are changed by some operation or Windows update.
It causes VNC remote connection failure.

So in such case, you can check the settings and try VNC connection.

I don't want Windows Update to overwrite my network settings

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karasanのアバター karasan System engineer

Mid-career engineer (AI, Data science, Salesforce, etc.).
Good at Python and SQL.
